I Lied. It was a month before I posted the next installment. Oy!
The giggling continues.
It sounds like a junior high sleep over in the trailer.
Except for the rain pouring down.
The sound of 'scritching' from somewhere in the trailer.
The dogs blissfully unaware that anything is out of the ordinary.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, morning arrives. We all wake up, though two of us barely slept if at all, and take the dogs out to potty. It is still raining. The ground is sopping wet and so are my shoes. We put the dogs back in their houses and start getting ourselves ready for the day ahead. Still can't figure out how to turn the water on in the Prowler. So into the big building we go to take our showers and get put together.
Fully ready now and it is time to take the dogs to ring side to wait for sweeps to start. I have two to show. Not bad. Show the Child, place in our class. Show the Child's Grand Dam, take Best Opposite Veteran. Good start to the day. Maybe the Prowler isn't THAT bad. Lunch break. Run to the Prowler and get a sandwich. Musty smelling, though maybe that is us from being in the rain all day and the smell of my suede jacket, which is soaked, is not exactly appealing. Trailer mate comes and talks to me, asking me to please, please, please not be mad. Hmmmm wonder what this is about? They found a room in the house that is on the show grounds. With a real bed that doesn't lean to one side and bathrooms. Lucky. So I accept my fate. The Prowler is all mine for the remainder of the weekend. Me and my two dogs. I can deal with that. We will be fine. Alone.
Scarf down lunch and run back to ring side. Show the Child again in regular class, place in class. Show Boo in regular class, nothing. Show Ciscoe as a special, nothing. My Trailer mates have a much better day than I had. Their young boy, Child's brother won his class and went on to Reserve Winners Dog and their Special, Ru-pee-toe (as I call him) was Best Opposite for the day. Nice!
Back to the Prowler for a change of clothes. My ex-Trailer mates take their stuff to the new room and promise to be back for dinner and drinks. There I sit. Alone in my little trailer. It's so quiet. My back hurts from the bed. My feet hurt from a long day of showing. Two more days to go.
My friends come back and we start making food. Drinks are flowing and we are basking in the great day we all had. The dogs are fed and pottied. They are happy too. Some of our show friends stop by and have some drinks with us.
This is how dog shows should be all the time. Friends, Food, Drinks and Fun.
One of my ex-trailer mates decides to help me find a way to turn the water on in the Prowler. We had turned all the knobs on all of the faucets and nothing happened. Interesting. We thought we had it figured out.
He goes into the bathroom.
"Hey! I think I figured it out!"
Flips a switch hiding in plain sight on the wall.
Water starts gushing out of every faucet in the trailer.
The screaming starts.
"Ack!!!! Turn it off!!!"
Turning the water off is much harder when you are getting soaked and panicking.
Turn everything back off.
"I guess it works now", he says.
"Ya Think?!", I say.
The clean up begins and ends.
Everyone starts to fade away into the evening. One by one. Off into their own little abyss. My ex-trailer mates head back to the luxury of their new found room. I am happy for them. The dogs and I will be fine. Alone.
I take the dogs out one last time before bed. They all get to stay loose and sleep in bed with me tonight. That will help keep the cold out. I open one of the windows to get some air moving in there. Throw on my pj's and get into bed.
The rain starts again.
My back already hurts.
At least I am toasty warm.
Then it starts.
No sleep for the weary.
Or at least that is what they say.
Two more days.
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago