Oh How Lame Am I?! I never get around to posting anymore. I work work work and show show show. Dog show season is pretty much over for me for this year. One more coming up in November but that is aways off still. So lets go back a month or so and I will let y'all know what I have been up to!
The first weekend in August is always the WWWA Specialty show. I love this show. It is always fun with all sorts of friends, old and new. I had a few dogs to show. Let's see there was Audre, Brandi, Athena and Ciscoe.
Audre had a great weekend consistently placing in her classes (2 per day) and she took Best Opposite in Sweeps that Sunday! I am so proud of my little child! She just had her first birthday on September 5th. :)
Brandi had a great weekend as well. She took 3rd out of a large Open Bitch class. I just love this girl. She has grown up so much from the first time I had shown her.
Athena was wonderful! This was the first time I had gotten to meet her and show her. She is Audre's grandmother. Looking at pictures of both of them at the same age I can see where Audre gets her looks! They are almost identical at 6 months. Athena took Best Opposite Veteran in Sweeps! I could not have been more happy. Again, Thank You to Bev for allowing me to show her. It was a real honor.
Ciscoe was such a good boy for me. Even though we didn't do anything in the breed ring. He is always happy to show for me and is the best bed buddy a girl could ask for! I truly love every chance to show him. He is the bestest boy.
So the specialty was a big success! Audre's siblings placed well. We got to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. It is the best part of the summer!
A couple of weeks ago we had a photo shoot with Audre, Levi and Borzoi Jessica. That was a lot of fun. I have some great shots to share. Some are a little fuzzy but those children are so fast it is hard for the camera to keep up with them! I will post those a little later.
Not much else is happening. Just working and relaxing on my weekends for now. Enjoying a little down time. Melba and I have just been hanging out on the couch and in the yard enjoying the warm weather we are still having. Mel says Hi to everyone! She promises to make me get on here and update a bit more often. :)
~Anne and Melba
Unexpected gifts
1 week ago